Thursday, December 17, 2009

No music in the whip?...?

Have you ever been somewhere and thought why am I not listening to music?

Well over the last couple days I've had that thought cross my mind. My car battery died because of the fierce Minnesota winta cold and when that happened my Mitsubishi cd player locked up. They do this for theft protection(Supposedly-who steals stock cd players?), but really it is just a hassle for anyone if your battery dies. So I had to call around and tried giving the dealer my car vin # but that didn't work, then I took the dash apart and took out the deck and called a dealership with the cd player serial #...I got 2 codes to type into the radio but now I have to wait 45min-Hour with the key half on so the car deck can Unlock so I can put these codes into it.

Now tell me if you think I'm crazy, but damn all this BS just to get some tunes back in my whip while I cruise...They really need to come up with a better system for cd player theft.


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